Welcome to Shree Ram Public School
What Make Us Spcecial?

Who we are

What we do

How it work
Our commitment as educators at Shree Ram Public School is C-LIFE.. Creative, Logical, Fun loving Education.
Message from Our Principal
As the school’s principal, I consider it an honour and a joy to work at a place of learning where all participants are students and where there is always something new to learn and explore. We see ourselves as a community of learners, where staff members, parents, and instructors are all lifelong learners.
The 21st-century world is evolving more quickly than before.
Margaret Mead has correctly stated that “Children need to be taught how to think, not what to think.”
Shreeram Public School has always made an effort to instill in its students the right ideals in life as well as creativity, critical thinking, inventiveness, and diverse thinking. The school engages students in a variety of activities that develop all these abilities throughout time.
I wish you all the best !
Best Regards,
Sheela R,
A Great Place to Grow